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MAPlinx Software

Accelerate application software development for Tecan OEM platforms and components

Fast time to market, reduced life cycle management cost and multi-application utilization are key aspects when it comes to developing software for a dynamic product portfolio in a regulated environment.

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MAPlinx, Tecan’s next generation OEM software platform, has been developed specifically for those increasing demands with its design based on fully pre-tested modular building blocks.

MAPlinx builds on our experience from over 40 years of automation development and allows our OEM partners to benefit from accelerated system development, enhanced liquid handling performance and leveraging sample to answer workflow capabilities.

Whether it is sample preparation for next generation sequencing, an automated immunoassay workflow or another application, MAPlinx can be tailored to match your automation needs. Only required modules are utilized, reducing dead code, optimizing performance and supporting life cycle management.


The development framework features two flexible layers of integration:

  • Instrumentation layer – complete hardware control, with additional modules to support essential tasks, such as path finding, collision avoidance and worktable layout handling.
  • Application layer – offering sample-oriented workflow automation with process scheduling. This provides application-based building blocks to support creation of protocols used in in vitro diagnostic environments, eliminating the need to program each step with many individual commands.

In addition, development teams can benefit from the MAPlinx toolkit, which includes a sophisticated 3D simulator designed to simplify software programming and testing.

Using CAD design files to render a virtual model of your system, it includes firmware command sets, providing a ‘true’ simulation environment that – as far as the software is concerned – is indistinguishable from a physical system.

This allows programming and testing to begin before a physical prototype is constructed, with each engineer and tester having access to their own ‘virtual hardware’.

The MAPlinx toolkit offers a faster, more convenient approach to software development, requiring fewer prototypes and, ultimately, reducing the time to market.

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